ESNM Newsletter - January 2018

ESNM goes YouTube

Over 100 videos are available on the ESNM YouTube channel!
Check out the latest hands-on teaching videos, find clips and interviews and get deep insights when watching some of the session of the NeuroGASTRO 2017!

click here for direct access to our videos!


To our Steering Committee Member Adam Farmer from the UK is one of the winners of the UEG Rising Star Awards 2018!


25 Years of the Spanish Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (GEMD)

GEMD was created 1992 by a group of enthusiastic gastroenterologists and surgeons interested in the study of GI-motility. The first meetings were meetings of a group of friends with common interest. They met to discuss practical aspects related to motility studies, like the pitfalls and advantages of the devices available for motility studies, interpretation of traces, and discussion of difficult patients.
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30 Years Anniversary of Scandinavian Association of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (SAGIM)

The celebration of 30 years anniversary of SAGIM was held in Copenhagen, more than 65 keen participants and industrial business partners attended the meeting. This year hot topics were defecation disorders master class, “electroceuticals” and new techniques, diarrhoea master class and two smaller interesting topics in the neurogastroenterology and motility field; Opioid induced bowel disorders and cases from the oesophageal motility lab.
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GERD Meeting on Guidelines on esophageal function testing and interpretation

Lyon hosted this international meeting which was endorsed by ESNM. An interactive clinical session was conducted on the first day to discuss diagnostic and therapeutic management of difficult patients with functional digestive disorders. On the second day, the conclusions of an international working group on GERD testing were reported during the “Lyon GERD consensus meeting”.
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CANM - Croatian Association of Neurogastroenterology and Motility Meeting

From 24th to 26th November 2017. CANM - Croatian Association of Neurogastroenterology and Motility in collaboration with Croatian Society of Digestive Surgery and Croatian Society of Gastroenterology organized the symposia entitled “Probiotics in Digestive Medicine”.
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Hands-on Teaching Video: How to Analyze a pH-Impedance tracing

In this short video, Prof. Edoardo Savarino (University of Padua)  will show you how to manually analyze a pH impedance tracing in order to obtain a complete report with data on esophageal acid exposure, number of reflux episodes and symptom-reflux association analysis. In particular, it will be illustrated how to include/exclude different areas from the tracings, how to objectively identify an acidic or weakly acidic reflux episode, how to define the proximal extension of the refluxate and how to obtain a correct report with all the data required for having a good categorization of your patients with symptoms suggestive of reflux disease.
Click here to watch the video

Highlights UEG Week 2017

The 2017 UEG Week in Barcelona was attended by other 12,000 delegates with over 1,000 lectures delivered. One of this years' highlights was a bespoke neurogastroenterology and motility track including a one-day ‘advances in clinical gastroenterology and hepatology’ symposium, highlighting how the clinical management of functional GI disorders and gastroesophageal reflux disease has advanced over the last couple of years.
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Best Abstracts NeuroGASTRO 2017

"Small intestine neuromuscular dysfunctions in Toll-like receptor 4-null mice: role of enteric glia" by Silvia Cerantola
This study investigated the involvement of enteric glial cells in the alterations of myenteric plexus architecture and ileal dysmotility found in TLR4-/- mice.

Click here to read more (Abstract 14 p. 9)


"Granins are linked to bacterial richness, innate immunity, markers for intestinal permeability and symptom severity IBS patients" by Johanna Sundin
The intestinal granin profiles of IBS patients and HS are linked to the intestinal bacterial composition, bacterial diversity and enterotypes. Together these findings suggest that fecal levels and mucosal expression of granins may shape the bacterial composition of the intestine.

Click here to read more (Abstract 37 p. 21)


Upcoming ESNM Event: ESNM – SRGH – TGD Hands-on Course for Gastrointestinal Manometry and Functional Investigation

A unique opportunity to train in esophageal and ano-rectal high resolution manometry, 24h pH-impedance monitoring, to learn about the use of breath tests in clinical practice and to interact and discuss interesting clinical cases with distinguished faculty.

Date: March 21-24, 2018
Location: Cluj-Napoca Romania
Application deadline is January 15, 2018 click  here to apply

Click here for further information

Gut Microbiota for Health World Summit 2018

You are invited to join us for the GMFH World Summit to be held in Rome, Italy, March 10-11, 2018.

The microbiota that inhabit our gastrointestinal tract is considered either as a constitutive part of our body, the ‘neglected’ organ, or as the major environmental factor continuously interacting with our human genes. Microbes shape and reshape our immune system, activate genes involved in angiogenesis and cellular differentiation, contribute to neuro-humoral regulation of appetite, have a considerable impact on accumulation of energy in adipose tissue, etc., and these are only a few examples in a growing list of host-microbes interactions. Much more is yet to be discovered.
Click here for registration

LBBB Meeting 2018

Little Brain Big Brain is a meeting on neurogastroenterology organized by and for young investigators in the field. It has a long-standing tradition of encouraging scientific discussion and forging scientific collaborations. Many former participants of LBBB have become world-renowned scientific leaders. Don't miss out and participate or encourage your young colleagues to participate in the XVth LBBB (August 26-29, 2018)!

Application deadline January 15, 2018!
Click here for application

Register now for the FNM 2018!

3rd Meeting of the Federation of Neurogastroenterology and Motility and Postgraduate Course on Gastrointestinal and Motility (FNM 2018)
August 29 - September 1, 2018, RAI Convention Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Click here for registration (registration opens January 9, 2018)
Click here for abstract submission (abstract submission opens January 9, 2018)

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